Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation

Written by Gina Mendez-Locke | As a Magistrate in the Family Division, I am often asked what are the most difficult cases I hear. While relocations come to mind, parental alienation cases are, for me, the most difficult. Although I...
What It Is and What It Isn’t

What It Is and What It Isn’t

Written by Miguel Firpi, Ph.D. | Parental Alienation is a concept that often generates controversy and even some strong emotional reactions in the professional and lay community alike.  It is also a concept about which there is a significant amount...

The Smile On Our Children’s Faces Were Priceless

The testimonial below is from anonymous parents with two elementary aged children sent for co-parenting sessions paid for by KidSide: This process allowed us to speak openly and honestly without the stress of a court room.  We listened to each other for the first time...