by admin | Mar 20, 2023 | Judges Corner
Written by Judge Mindy S. Glazer – Mglazer@jud11.flcourts and Judge Maria Espinosa Dennis (Ret.) – It is a stressful time for most couples who are going through the breakup of a family unit. It is not easy to divide assets and/or debts,...
by admin | Mar 20, 2023 | Hot Topics
Written By Raquel Soto Catalano | Love is instinctual. Skills are not. Education for parents does not question a parent’s love for his or her child. Rather, parent education is there as a helper in turning that love into building a...
by admin | Mar 7, 2023 | Testimonials
The testimonial below is from an anonymous parent who received therapy sessions paid for by KidSide: It is no overstatement to say that my therapist has helped to change my life for the better. Anyone going through a separation or divorce, whether they are an adult or...