KidSide Newsletter February 2023

The Legal Process of Relocation 

By General Magistrate Steven Lieberman |

The legal process of moving (from wherever you are) to Paradise (wherever that is and whether it is an Island or not) so long as it is more than 50 miles from where you now live (and it always is- because isn’t that the definition of Paradise-just being more than 50 miles from where you live).

This article will address three areas of concern: (1) Why is it necessary to get court permission to move? (2) What things are important (and not so important) to present to the court? (3) what occurs after the move?

Why is it necessary to get court permission prior to the move? The simple answer-because it affects the timesharing with the non-relocating parent. Every other weekend timesharing will no longer work as we do not want children spending excessive travel time in getting to the other parent’s home when compared to the amount of time spent there. The move must be in the child’s best interest, not the parents. The timesharing schedule must be rearranged which usually means extended stays with the non-relocating parent during time off from school, holidays, entire summers (or at least majority timesharing).

What things to present to the court?

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The Hazy Future of Florida Relocation as a Result of the Global Pandemic

By Max Leinoff, Esq |

The global COVID-19 pandemic shook our society to its core. In addition to the tragic loss of countless lives, the global pandemic changed the way our world functions. Specifically, it created a number of obstacles that directly impact a parent’s ability to relocate from, or even within, the state of Florida.

Yet, before discussing how the pandemic has impacted the world of relocation in the State of Florida, it is important to have a basic understanding of what the relocation statute provides for. Generally speaking, Florida Statute §61.13001 requires a parent who resides in Florida to obtain approval from the other parent, or the Court if no such agreement is reached, to relocate with a child more than fifty miles from his or her residence.[1] When a parent seeks approval from a court in Florida, that parent must file a sworn petition to relocate, which should contain certain information required by Florida Statute §61.13001(3)(a) and its subparts. In reaching its decision regarding a proposed temporary or permanent relocation, the court evaluates the following factors:

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   Parent Testimonial

The testimonial below is from an anonymous parent who received therapy sessions paid for by KidSide:

My kids and I received quality therapy during my divorce. We want to express our appreciation and gratitude to KidSide for providing funding so that our services could be free and accessible. Only those involved in the Family Court system could know how incredibly stressful, frustrating, and financially draining it is to go through a process like divorce. I am so glad there is an organization out there that recognizes this, and the problems it causes for so many families. Thank you to KidSide’s donors, who see how hard it is on kids in Miami, and who have done something to actually help. The therapy helped me and my kids to cope with everything in a healthier manner. My kids and I learned how to express ourselves better and I learned how to support them and myself better. I could not have done so without the therapy funded by KidSide. I will never forget the kindness shown to me and my children during one of the most difficult times of our lives. Thank you!

 Your Donations At Work

  Judicial Reception Tickets On Sale

Get your tickets now to join KidSide at the 2023 Judicial Reception. This year’s Judicial Reception will be hosted at Salt Waterfront Restaurant located within the University of Miami’s RSMAS Campus (next to the Miami Seaquarium). 

This event will sell out so secure your tickets now. 

Welcome To Our New Bronze Partners

We are proud to welcome so many new partners to the KidSide family. Thank you to new Silver Partners, Buckner Shifrin and Reyes Miller. In addition, we are proud to introduce Foster MoralesJon StiefKaplan LoeblFrancisco J. Vargas, and Aronson Mayefsky & Sloan as our newest Bronze Partners.

  Thank You KidSide Partner

Looking to make a splash in the community to start the new year? Join KidSide as a partner and get recognized in the KidSide newsletter and on social media, plus other fantastic benefits. Thank you to all of our existing partners for their continued support of KidSide.


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KidSide, Inc.
14261 SW 120 Street #103-552
Miami, FL 33186
Telephone: (305) 908.1126