KidSide Newsletter January 2023

Parenting Programs
By Lynn Katz, EDD l [email protected]
It wasn’t that long ago that I stood in a Juvenile Court courtroom for a case that was moving towards a termination of parental rights trial. The father of the children was brought from the detention center in his orange jumpsuit and in shackles, flanked by two police officers. The judge asked the father if there was anything he’d like to say, noting that he had been charged with physical abuse of his young son. His response had a strong impact on me, as a child development expert witness in the case. He said,” I don’t understand your honor, my father beat me and I’m fine…so why am I being charged with doing the same thing to my son?” Was the father really fine, given his incarceration? Had there been no interventions for the abuse he had endured from his own father, which he had, in turn, perpetrated on his own son?
In that moment, it drove home to me, that this father was expressing what we know to be true—that for many of us, whether we admit it or not, we will parent in some of the ways we were parented, in the absence of alternative role models or options, and we may often still believe in the right of our parental authority figures to have parented and disciplined us as they saw fit. Parenting itself, is a tall order. It is the process of promoting and supporting the social, physical, intellectual, creative, emotional, and spiritual development of children. (Bavolek,1983)
Parenting and the Art of Communication
By Lisa Sherman, LCSW | lsherman@
In my experience as a therapist, I’ve come to understand that communication is an art form, as well a creative medium. An artist will transmit their interpretation of the world through the use of visual imagery; endlessly manipulating color and form in order to communicate a point of view. A practiced musician/composer will do the same. Through the medium of sound and vibration, along with the selection and sequencing of musical notes that vary in pitch, a musician will aspire to present a point of view. That point of view can either be transcendent or ordinary, dependent upon the skill of the musician. Similarly, speech, as a creative medium, has the same function. It can also be transcendent or ordinary, having the power to animate, inspire and illuminate some truth, or leave us feeling deenergized, disheartened, or maybe even cynical. I like to think of it this way. As a creative speaker, we are at once, being an artist and a musician. When we speak, we are helping the child form a visual image, like an artist, except we are using words to draw that image inside their heads instead of on paper or canvas. And like a musician, we have a tone and vibration when we speak. We can create melodic sounds or discordant ones, depending upon the notes/chords, sharps and flats that we select. There are endless variations. Words thoughtfully selected and articulated, in conjunction with the correct tone, can impact children in the following ways: Speech can inspire and heal, generate enthusiasm for learning, stimulate children’s innate curiosity, teach them to take responsibility, help them to be more open, loving, resilient and compassionate, to be at ease with emotional intimacy, and to learn to trust themselves, just to name a few. Or conversely, words spoken impulsively with a dismissive, critical and judgmental tone, can discourage, confuse, and create conflict, both within and without.
Thank you to all of the KidSide Board Members and Partners who gathered together to celebrate a fantastic 2022 and to plan ahead for an even better 2023!
Welcome to our new board members Grace Casas-Rowe, Marisol Cruz, Amber Glasper, and Joshua Lopez.
Parent Testimonial
The testimonial below is from an anonymous parent who received therapy sessions paid for by KidSide:
I have so much gratitude for KidSide and other organizations that make it possible for me to have received these services for free. I am a single mom, and always giving of myself. Having this beautiful favor returned, for once; a gift to me and for my family, helped me through some of the darkest, most tumultuous days of my life. Thank you to your donors for their generosity. Thank you for helping me to have access to convenient, useful, and necessary FREE therapy. I see this as such a beneficial resource. I truly appreciate it and was a willing participant because I want to better myself and my life. I appreciate anyone who has donated to this cause, because it was life changing for me!
Your Donations At Work
Judicial Reception Tickets On Sale
Get your tickets now to join KidSide at the 2023 Judicial Reception. This year’s Judicial Reception will be hosted at Salt Waterfront Restaurant located within the University of Miami’s RSMAS Campus (next to the Miami Seaquarium).
This event will sell out so secure your tickets now.
Welcome To Our New Bronze Partners
We are proud to welcome three new Bronze Partners to the KidSide family. Thank you to The Joseph Firm, P.A., The Law Office of Anastasia M. Garcia P.A., and Forensic Accountants & Consultants, P.A. for your support!
Thank You KidSide Partner
Looking to make a splash in the community to start the new year? Join KidSide as a partner and get recognized in the KidSide newsletter and on social media, plus other fantastic benefits. Thank you to all of our existing partners for their continued support of KidSide.
Support the work of Family Court Services by donating to KidSide!